Due to the new security measures requested by the Mission leaders, the names of all investigators and people that Sarah comes into contact with will be replaced with the name of a well-known character from a children’s movie. This will keep the identities of people safe as well as make it easier to keep everyone straight. The name given is in NO WAY intended to reflect the personality, looks, or circumstances of the individual(s).
“The Wall”
February 10,
Hello one
and all!

The Savior
said that the first and greatest commandment is to ‘love the Lord thy God with
all your heart, might, mind, and strength, and the second is like unto it, thou
shalt love thy neighbor as thyself’ (Matthew
22:37-39). We are commanded to love with perfect love! Are we always
perfect at this? I know I'm not. So why not have a holiday that reminds us how
important it is to love one another!
Sure. it's
been commercialized and stereotyped and made (for some) a mushy-gushy ooey-gooey
day of the year, but if we remember the true meaning of Valentine's Day, a time
where we remember the perfect love of Christ and our goal to one day love as He
does, it can be a beautiful time. So remind those you love how important they
are to you, and remember the ultimate gift of love given from our Savior to
us....His atonement!
This week,
it poured!
We were so
grateful for the rain and it gave us a great opportunity to get creative. We
looked like wet cats, and no one really wanted to talk to us, but we did have
little miracles and a lot of good laughs! We met a woman named Ella Enchanted
who told us that her granddaughter is dying of cancer and asked us to pray for
her. We told her we would and explained about the prayer roll at the temple and
she asked us to put her name there as well. We testified of Christ and prayed
with her and we're going back to see her this week.
We met
another man named Gaston who enlightened us on how we all need to align our
spirits and our energy in order to recognize truth. We taught him about the
Holy Ghost and how it testifies to our spirits of truth. You really can turn
anything into a gospel conversation. We invited him to our ward activity on
Saturday night and we hope he comes.
We are
having a huge game night and Sister Zenger and I have invited every person we
meet. I keep telling everyone, "And if you bring but one non-member to
your game night, how great shall be your joy!" We're excited to see who
We added a
miracle new investigator this week. And by we, I actually mean our Mia Maid
President, because it was all her! She has been coming out with us to lessons
since November and has been seeing how amazing missionary work really is! We
got a call from her this week saying that her friend wanted to learn more about
the gospel, was coming to church on Sunday, and wanted to have a lesson with us
on Saturday. Jaws dropped. We were so proud! And amazed! And grateful! And
excited! I testify that sharing the gospel brings us such great joy!
I was
reading about Ammon this week and I have to say he is one of the greatest
examples of joy in the scriptures! So many times he talks about how his heart
was swollen with joy, so great was his joy, he was overpowered by his joy. At
least twice we have recorded instances of Ammon passing out because he was so
filled with joy! HOW GREAT JOY THAT MUST BE!!!!!!!!! The Book of Mormon teaches
that "Men are that they might have joy" (2 Nephi 2:25). One easy way to joy is to share the gospel of Jesus
Christ with our brothers and sisters. Missionary work is the "easy
button" to joy.
Testify of
truth = joy! "That was
The title of
my email this week is referencing a video that our Bishop shared with us in
Ward Council called "The Wall". It's a boy talking about trials and
walls in our lives and how Christ overcomes them all. It's amazing! He says,
"God makes a mess into a message, a test into a testimony." How true
that is! In all things, our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are the answer.
The Savior is THE way, THE truth, THE life. He is the one and only, and He
loves us perfectly. I know this is true!
Have a
wonderful week and remember to love and have joy!
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