Due to the new security measures requested by the Mission leaders, the names of all investigators and people that Sarah comes into contact with will be replaced with the name of a well-known character from a children’s movie. This will keep the identities of people safe as well as make it easier to keep everyone straight. The name given is in NO WAY intended to reflect the personality, looks, or circumstances of the individual(s).
“Sometimes Courage Is…”
February 17, 2014
Hello lovely
Thanks so much for the
Valentine's goodies from several of you! They made my day.
We had an awesome Valentine's
Day at Zone Conference. The theme of the conference was "Go Baptize!"
Somewhere one of you is thinking, "How original." In the words of
Elder Russel M. Nelson, we "Do what missionaries have always
At conference our zone sang
Abide With Me Tis Eventide.
I love this hymn because of
the scriptures it is based upon. It tells the story of the disciples on the
road to Emmaus. After hearing the news that Christ's body was no longer in the
tomb and that He had risen, two disciples began the journey from Jerusalem to Emmaus, a
distance of about 5 miles. As they spoke about Jesus, a man appeared and began
to walk with them, asking them what they were talking about. The disciples told
the man of Jesus, His teachings, miracle, death, and rumored resurrection.
Little did they know, the disciples were speaking to Christ himself. The Savior
concealed His identity from them as they walked. When they reached their homes,
Christ acted like He would continue walking. The disciples, noting the late
hour of the day, asked Him to stay the night and eat with them. He entered the
home, and there Christ broke bread for the disciples. It was at that moment
that the disciples, more than likely remembering the way He broke bread for
them at the last supper, realized who it was that they were with. Here the
living Christ sat with them, breaking bread for them as He had before.
Then the Savior vanished. The
two disciples sat astonished and began to try to reconcile what had happened
with themselves. One said to the other, "Did not our hearts within us burn
as He talked with us by the way?" It wasn't even the manifestation of the
Savior himself that touched them, but it was the way their hearts burned within
them. It wasn't seeing the Savior in the flesh that sealed their testimony that
He had risen. It was the feelings they received from the Holy Ghost.
It's that same way for us today! Our witness from the Spirit that something is true and good is just as powerful as having a perfect knowledge. The witness from the Spirit is more than enough. We don't need to see our Savior to know that He lives and the He loves us. We only need to feel the Holy Ghost speak to our hearts. We didn't walk with Him while He was here on the earth, but our testimony of Him can be just as strong as the people He taught and healed, because we are all the people He died for. Because He truly is our Savior, each of us has the right and the privilege to feel the Holy Ghost cause our hearts to burn within us. Isn't that just beautiful!

This week we had a lot of ups
and downs. Brother and Sister Frankenstein are struggling feeling confident in
themselves and their ability to stay active. They are so afraid that they will
fail and become less active again. I just want them to realize that they area
doing SO well. They just need to take courage! Discouragement means "lack
of courage" and it is the tool of the devil to keep us from doing what we
need to do. We MUST have courage and try again every single tomorrow. So we
keep praying for them and loving them, and I have faith they are going to be
just fine.
Awesome little miracle story
to close. Our new investigator Queen Elsa spends every other weekend with her
dad so we couldn't meet this weekend. She convinced him to bring her to church
though! She could only stay for sacrament meeting, but it was so important for
her to be there and it was all she wanted! We had a great follow up lesson with
her about prayer. The last time we met, we taught her to pray and committed her
to pray this week. We asked how it was going and she said she has been praying
everyday and she loves it! She said she woke up late and said a quick prayer
that she could make it to school on time, and she made it 30 seconds before the
bell. She said, "It was a miracle! Prayer really works!" It was so
fun to see her testimony growing. Small and simple things. That's what it's all
about. We're hoping to put her on date this week!
Hope everyone has a great
week! Have courage!
Sister Burchett
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