Due to the new security measures requested by the Mission leaders, the names of all investigators and people that Sarah comes into contact with will be replaced with the name of a well-known character from a children’s movie. This will keep the identities of people safe as well as make it easier to keep everyone straight. The name given is in NO WAY intended to reflect the personality, looks, or circumstances of the individual(s).
“Eaten By a Wild Raccoon”
February 24, 2014
First off,
mega-miracle this week! There is a part-member family in our ward who we have
wanted to work with for a long time. Their 12 and 14 year old daughters have
been coming to church every week for the past year and a half, but their
parents wouldn't come and wanted zero contact with the church. We weren't
allowed to go over, or to teach the girls, and the girls weren't allowed to be
baptized, even though they really want to be. This week we got a call from our
Ward Mission Leader saying that the Mom had asked for a blessing. He asked us
to pray for him and for them, that their hearts would be softened.
That night
we got a "miracle call" from our Ward Mission Leader. He talked with
the family and gave the Mom a blessing. The Dad ended up asking for a blessing
too. Then, Brother Munster
asked them if the girls could take the lessons and be baptized. They said yes!
And they said we could come and teach the whole family. They met with the
Bishop the next night, and on Sunday, they came to church as a family for the
first time ever. They stayed all 3 hours and were still there socializing when
we left. They were very touched by the spirit in Gospel Principles and our
Ward Mission Leader told us that some of the words that our ward
missionary said while teaching the gospel principles lesson, were exact words
from their blessings. It was all the spirit double testifying to them that
their Heavenly Father knows them, loves them, and is aware of them. We are
teaching our first lesson with them tonight. The work is hastening! Hearts are
being changed. Families are being brought together. What a wonderful
privilege it is to be a part of it!

We testified
to her that Christ IS with her. We taught her that what she was feeling was the
spirit teaching her and testifying to her. She was so happy. We arranged for
her to have a blessing later that week, and it was such an amazing experience!
Our Heavenly Father is so aware of each and every one of us. Our Savior lives
and loves us, and He is always there for us with open arms. Our job is to turn
to Him and let Him be there beside us.
This week we
have really been focusing on contacting people and talking to everyone. On
Tuesday we were out walking and contacting people on the trails. It was a rough
contacting day. No one had really wanted to talk with us and most people ran
right by us (literally). So, I, in all my dramatic Sister Burchett glory,
looked to the heavens and said, "Father, we will talk to ANYONE you put in
our path. Just please bless that SOMEONE will be here for us to talk to. No
matter who they are, I promise we WILL talk to them!"
We walked a
few more feet and the trail opened up on a cul-de-sac. There, standing on the
street, were two teenage boys working on their cars. Sister Zenger and I just
looked at each other and started to chuckle. Let it be noted that God has a
sense of humor.
Zenger said to me, "No way. He can't be serious."
I said,
"We HAVE to talk to them. We promised!"
And so, we
walked over to talk to them, both trying to remember how to strike up
conversation with teenage boys. Let it also be noted that we are really awful
at it. I managed to say, "Hi! Nice car!" They immediately started
talking to us and we were able to teach them and place a Book of Mormon. They
even asked us to stick around for a few more minutes and talk to their friend
who was on his way. We taught him too! It was awesome! I think it was God's way
of reminding me (again) that, in the words of Clayton M. Christensen in the
Power of Everyday Missionaries, "We cannot predict, and we should not
judge." We never know who the Lord is preparing. THAT'S WHY WE HAVE TO
(NOTE: It’s a book, ‘The
Power of Everyday Missionaries’ by Clayton M. Christensen)
Now for the
explanation of the title of today's email:
Zenger and I were knocking on a door and we heard some rustling from the bushes
behind us. Sister Zenger looked back at me and said, "We are going to be
eaten by a wild raccoon!" While she was saying this, I watched a wild
raccoon walk out of the bushes, stop, sit on its hind legs, and stare at us. I
couldn't even speak. I just pointed. Sister Zenger turned and saw the raccoon,
and both of us just watched as it stared back at us, and eventually ran away. I
started laughing SO hard! I said, "What are the chances of you saying a
wild raccoon and there being an ACTUAL wild raccoon?!!!!" Again, God has a
sense of humor.
One more
funny story for the road: We were knocking on a door and all of a sudden we
hear this loud, bone-shaking noise. It sounded like a horn. We honestly thought
it was the trumpets from heaven announcing the Lord's arrival. It stopped and
we both looked at the door and said, "You better open up now! He's
coming!" Turns out it was just a man across the street testing out his amp
in his garage. False alarm.
Have a
wonderful week! Smile, and don't get eaten by wild raccoons!
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