Due to the new security measures requested by the Mission leaders, the names of all investigators and people that Sarah comes into contact with will be replaced with the name of a well-known character from a children’s movie. This will keep the identities of people safe as well as make it easier to keep everyone straight. The name given is in NO WAY intended to reflect the personality, looks, or circumstances of the individual(s).
"Conference, Coloma, and California Summer"
May, 26, 2014
This week, I
need to recap 2 weeks worth of information in one email. Hopefully it won't be
overload, and hopefully it will be entertaining. If not, at least it will be written
down for posterity.
2 weeks ago we
had our Zone Conference. It was my last one. GASP. So, I had to make it a good
one. They asked me to lead the music, and I was in charge of the choir number
for our zone. So much fun! We sang an arrangement of "Where Can I Turn For
Peace?" and the spirit was so strong. I just love missionaries! I love
their willingness to step outside of their comfort zone (aka singing, for some
of them) and step into a new experience. The beautiful thing that happens when
missionaries do this is that they automatically invite the Savior's grace into
their lives and miracles happen, even when it is something as simple as a
musical number.
I had to bear
my departing testimony and because my name starts with "B" I had to
go first. I was teasing President Skywalker that I was currently living in a
lovely place called denial and that by forcing me to bear a
"departing" testimony he was ruining that faux reality for me.
Luckily, I love any opportunity to bear testimony of my Savior and how all
things in life are possible and worth it because of Him, so it wasn't terrible.
I actually enjoyed it. The only let down was all the people coming up and
saying, "I can't believe you are going home!".
I just said,
'Then don't believe it. That's what I do!"
Haha. One of
the Elders, Elder Smith, said to me, "Sister Burchett, are you really
going home at the end of this transfer?"
I said,
"Yes, Elder Smith. They're kicking me out."
He said,
"That's going to make me very sad."
I told him he
made my day. It's nice to be appreciated. Although, I have to write my lovely
trainer in Australia and chastise her for spreading the nickname
"Burchey" all over the mission. It's disconcerting having
missionaries you have never met run up to you and yell "Burchey! It's so
nice to meet you!" It gave me a good laugh though.
Speaking of
good laughs, President Skywalker was sitting next to me at lunch. I was talking
to one of the other sisters when I heard, "Um, Sister Burchett, I think I
lost my cucumber underneath you."
I lost it! I
couldn't stop laughing. I said, "President, those are words I never though
I would hear you say."
The best
moment of the whole day was the closing hymn. President and the Assistants had
pulled in our giant "Believing, Bold, Baptizing" banner and put it at
the front of the chapel. The problem was that when it came time for the closing
hymn, you couldn't see me to lead the music. President said to just bring the
podium down to the front, but then he asked all the missionaries to stand. I
said quietly to myself, "Uh oh. I'm way too short."
I guess he
heard me because he said, "Oh, here," and moved the hymn books off
the pew, "just stand up here."
I looked at
him and said, "Are you serious?" And he was. He gave me his hand and
up I went. And then I lead a whole chapel full of missionaries in "Hark
All Ye Nations" while standing on the pew.
Best. Moment.
Sister Minnick, the mission nurse came up to me and said, "I can just see
you getting home and leading the Stake Choir! You're just beautiful inside and
out!" It was so sweet.
Running out of
time already! AHHHH! Ok, hurrying up. Highlight reel. Last week I didn't get to
email because I was at Coloma with President and Sister Skywalker. It was them
and 6 sisters that came out with me and we just had a blast. Sister Jackson and
I were the grand champions at Bocce Ball. We even beat President and Sister Skywalker.
I had no idea how fun that game was! It was awesome. We also panned for Gold. I
discovered that I would have been a terrible gold panner. I do not have the
patience. I really enjoyed playing in the river though, and did find a few
flecks of gold....also a rock which looks like gold, but I'm 99% sure it's just
a rock….I did get really into it though! President Skywalker said, "I've
never seen Sister Burchett so quiet!"
I laughed so
hard I nearly fell in the river.

Love y'all!